Master's degree groups and curricula:

 | Post date: 2020/05/13 | 
1- Electronic:
The Electronic group is responsible for educating undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in this field, as well as conducting research in relevant fields such as electronic systems, Microelectronics, Digital Electronics, Robotic optical electronics, Photonics and technology for making semiconductor devices, pattern recognition, letter recognition, Design secure systems, Design multi parallel processors, Digital image processing, speech processing, neural networks and Earthquake signal processing.
2- power:
In 2000, the Power Group was recognized as the only scientific hub in the country in the field of power. In addition to research, this group teaches undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in the field of electrical machinery, Electronic power and electrical energy management, New energy, insulation and high pressure, Electromagnetic compatibility, non-destructive testing, HVDC and FACTS systems, Transient and dynamic states, development of simulator software, Power quality, engine speed control, Application of computational intelligence and Hybrid car.
3- Control:
The Department of Control accepts students in three bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.  The master's and doctoral training courses in the control field of Amirkabir University began in 1984 and 1987, respectively.    The group currently accepts master's degree students in "Electrical Engineering-Control" and "Electrical Engineering-Mechatronics of Instrumentation Systems".The faculty members are also active in the interdisciplinary fields of mechatronics, robotics and electrical rail engineering, and guide students. Students are currently researching current issues in six research laboratories under the supervision of the group professors. The faculty members of this group are active members in four research institutes of the university and participate in their projects. Successful graduates of this group work in industries, educational and academic research institutes inside and outside of the country. The control scientific staff of the control group has researched in the fields of classical control, intelligent control, modeling and identification, robotics and automation and In close cooperation with the industry, it has carried out various projects in the fields of modeling, control and optimization, performance of the systems in the oil industry, gas and petrochemical industries, automotive, medical robotics, defense industry, energy industry, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and space industries, including satellite.
Among the honors of this group, we can mention the titles of perfect researcher, permanent face, veteran perfect researcher, Author of top books and top student, Top University dissertations by researchers, students and faculty. The control department of Amir Kabir University is proud to be the scientific pole of control.
4- Telecommunications:
Telecommunication Group has been recognized as the scientific hub of the country's radio telecommunications since 2005. Telecommunication students in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses are trained under this group and this group has activities in the fields of research, telecommunications such as antennas, wave propagation, Radar, microwave and millimeter wave technology, Wireless telecommunications, electromagnetic compatibility, non-destructive testing, speech processing, image proccessing and optical communications, coding and compression of satellite information and telecommunications.

5- Energy Management: 

The Department of Energy Management of the Electrical Engineering accepts students for a master's degree.

6- Mechatronics:

The objective of this group is training specialists who can lead projects by synergically integrating   Mechanics and Electronics with Computers or Control expertise. This group  is established  in 2009. Amirkabir University of Technology is one of the pioneers in training students in Mechatronics  in Iran. We can proudly say that this group is now  a successful example of cooperation and collaboration among different faculties at Amirkabir University of Technology where distinguished  professors from the four faculties of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Engineering and Computer Science, and two research centers of New Technologies and Aerospace are training  Master students. In this program,  the students are co-supervised by two professors with two different discipline and expertise. This helps  to provide  an interdisciplinary atmosphere for research. Statistics show that  a high percentage of our graduates are currently working  in high-tech industries or studying/teaching  at high ranking  universities, world wide.

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