Research Laboratory Information

 | Post date: 2020/05/17 | 
Micro Bio Technology Lab
Amir Jahanshahi  
We are focused on innovative research to deliver results on the ground. We are developing micro fabrication technologies to bring new devices into the market.
Most of the topics that we are working on can be categorized under the name of the microsystems or more generally MEMS. Mostly we are interested to fabricate scientifically invaluable devices that are interesting to the market as well.
In order to fullfill our research goals we are mostly working on non-Si substrates preferably polymers to realize inexpensive devices. Since this lab is located in the electrical engineering faculty of AmirKabir University of Technology, we are very competitive in the fields of microfabrication, analog / digital electronics, computer / hardware programming.
Most of the devices that we are fabricating need multi disciplinary research. For this to happen we are actively and openly collaborating with ingenious scientists from various fields of expertise including: biomedical, biochemistry, mechanical, chemistry, etc. In case you think that you can collaborate with us fabricating something useful drop us a line. You can reach to our PIs in the People section. We would be more than happy to concoct something valuable !
Power System Analysis
Shahram Montasar Kouhsari

This laboratory uses a well-known power system package (PASHA) to simulate power systems. POUYA program has been extracted from PASHA as a standalone real time simulator of power systems.
Please refer to: .
The laboratory is active in both research and training.  The following lists the key research topics of interest at PSAL:
  • Fault analysis
  • Transient stability
  • Frequency dynamics
  • Load flow
  • Global Network Analysis
  • Real time simulation
  • Relay coordination and Power system protection
  • Industrial system design

Automation & Intelligent Monitoring Systems
Amir Hossein Rezaie

Link to the website:
The research in this lab involves design, development and implementation (hardware, software) of Industrial Automation & Surveillance Systems. Current active projects are:

·        Radar-based vehicle speed measurement with high speed photography
·        Video Monitoring (for Shiraz city)
·        Automation for large scale car parking
·        BMS (Building Management Systems)
·        Modeling of Satellite systems (Energy Module)
·        NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)

Finite Element Research Lab
Javad Shokrollahi Moghani  

 The FEDOL conduct high quality research utilizing Finite Element technique. The objective of the laboratory is to develop and apply finite element formulations to solve complicated engineering problems in electromagnetic fields.
There are two aspects to the work, software development and also applying the techniques to the design and optimization of all kinds of electromagnetic apparatus. Typical design applications of the software are: electrical machines, transformers, electromagnetic launchers, non-destructive testing and Surge Arrester. Projects range from fundamental work on electromagnetic modeling to design work based on computer modeling.

Applied Electromagnetics
Ahad Tavakoli
The Electromagnetics Laboratory (EML) is active in research and development in various aspects of applied electromagnetic, including non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of materials, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and antennas design and development. The academic staff of the laboratory also provide advisory and engineering services to different sectors of industry. The following is a brief description of the active research projects at EML:
Analysis and measurements of electromagnetic fields due to lightning discharge and their effects on various apparatus used in electric power systems, factory production lines, etc.
Analysis and design of grounding systems appropriate for both low and high frequency regimes
Analysis and measurement of radio frequency radiation due to cellular phones and its biologic effects on human body
Analysis and measurement of harmonic distortions in voltage and current signals caused by non-linear loads in electric power systems
Electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation of materials utilizing the eddy-current and microwave techniques
Industrial Electronics
Hassan Rastegar 
Industrial Electronics Course is the application of solid-state electronics to the control and conversion of electric power. It also refers to a subject of research in electrical engineering which deals with the design, control, computation and integration of nonlinear, time-varying energy-processing electronic systems with fast dynamics.
IE Lab focuses on Industrial Electronics Course. The areas of focus being addressed by IE Lab include the power conversion systems which can be classified according to the type of the input and output power:
AC to DC (rectifier), DC to AC (inverter), DC to DC (DC-to-DC converter), AC to AC (AC-to-AC converter).
Advanced Automotive Electronics (AAE) Lab
Majid Shalchian  

Advanced automotive electronics (AAE) Lab has been established in 2012 with the support of Crouse industrial group. The main goal of this lab is to promote applied research and cooperation with automotiveindustries especially automotive electronics manufacturing industries.  
Those activities are including design and development of software and hardware for embedded automotive systems, real time operating system, communication networks, control strategies, diagnostics and fault tolerant design, sensor signal processing, and development of standards procedures and human resources for industries. 
AAE lab also collaborates with other related research centers in Amirkabir University of technology including automotive research center and intelligent transportation system research center.
 Wave Propagation and Microwave Measurement
 Reza Sarraf Shirazi  Gholamreza Moradi  

The Wave Propagation and Microwave Measurement (WPMM) research group is a subgroup of communications engineering group and is co-supervised by Dr. R. Sarraf and Dr. G. Moradi. This group investigates and educates the design and analysis of microwave circuits/systems, with a special focus on:

Developing new methods for analysis of wave propagation phenomenon.
     Developing new methods for measuring characteristics of materials.
     nderstanding and overcoming the performance limits of planar components, circuits & systems and improving to the state-of-the-art their functionality.
     Introducing characterization methodologies of microwave-mm wave circuits.

Machine Vision Research Lab (MVRL)
Karim Faez

Link to the lab's website:
IFHCDB Download
Iran-Shahr Download

The Machine Vision research laboratory is directed by Dr. Faez and supports research in a number of areas including:
  • Statistical and structural pattern recognition
  • Image processing and machine vision
  • Human-computer interface
  • Biometric identification using the information of face, iris, fingerprint, palm etc.
  • Farsi hand-written character and word recognition
  • Personal identification using hand-writing and signature

Power System Protection Research Lab
Hossein Askarian Abyaneh
This lab is a part of the center of excellence on power systems. The staffs at PSPL focus on the following research topics:

Transmission system coordination
Distribution system coordination
Relay tester
Digital protection
Load scheduling protection
Evaluation assessment protection

Radar Research Lab
Ayaz Ghorbani  

Along with the decision and assignment to design and build an S-band radar for military and nonmilitary organization in the Department of Electrical Engineering, the necessity of establishing a radar lab were observed. Therefore the radar laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Amirkabir University of Technology was established in 1370. During this time, various projects including design, analysis and manufacture of different parts of radar were carried out which most of them successfully implemented in various industrial organization in the country. Also at the moment  many researchers including BSc, MSc and PhD students working in various fields of radar  such as phased array and its calibration, digital beam forming, design and measuring radar cross section are in progress in this Lab. As the result of these activity several technical paper as well as industrial projects are carried out each year in this Lab. Moreover many articles and books are written yearly by the researchers working in radar Lab.
Mobile Robots Research Lab
Abolghasem Asadollah Raie  

Switching and Network Lab
Hassan Taheri  

Switching and Network Lab. is a research laboratory in which undergraduate and postgraduate students do research in the field of data and communication networks.

Real Time Systems and Robotics Research Lab
Ali Talebi

Welcome to Real Time systems Laboratory as one of main research centers affiliated to “Controls and Robotics Center of Excellence” in Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic).
We are interested in real time control of dynamical systems with emphasis on Robotics. Various approaches in control theory such as nonlinear, robust, adaptive and intelligent control are extended and utilized to control systems with applications in broad range of Medical Robotics, Tele-operation, Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation, Mobile and Legged robots and Multi Agent systems. Research in closely related fields such as Motion Planning and Robot Vision is also common in many of our projects.

Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL)
M.M. Ardehali  

 There current increase in energy demand and consumption is directly related to human development and is a subject of research activities worldwide. The Energy Systems Laboratory at the Department of Electrical Engineering, established in 2001, undertakes research projects related to all aspects of energy conversion and management including
  • Supply and demand side management techniques
  • Energy systems modeling and simulation
  • Dynamics and controls of energy systems
  • Fault detection and diagnostics in energy systems
  • Energy planning
  • Energy auditing and monitoring
As a member of the Center of Excellence for Power Systems, the director and principal investigator at ESL is Dr M.M. Ardehali, PhD, PE.  He is an international energy engineering consultant and an associate professor at Power and Energy Management Division of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic). With numerous publications and patents, Dr. Ardehali is a registered professional engineer in several states in the US and specializes in energy systems dynamics, controls, and applications of artificial intelligence for energy efficiency.
He has held various positions in the academia and the research centers worldwide. As a senior research engineer and consultant at the Iowa Energy Center, he developed and participated in completing several EPA-DOE supported projects.
Dr. Ardehali can be reached at:
Energy Systems Laboratory
Division of Power and Energy Management
Department of Electrical Engineering
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)
424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran
Phone: (+98 21) 6454 3323; Fax: (+98 21) 6640 6469
 Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) Research Lab
Gevork B. Gharehpetian  

State-of-the-art developments associated with power equipment are dictating new ways in which system equipment monitoring may be achieved not only in high voltage transmission systems but also in low voltage distribution systems. The FACTS Lab focuses on fundamental and applied researches about monitoring of devices such as power transformers and also, smart microgrids.
One of the latest research directions of this lab is:
Detection and localization of transformer defects and simultaneous online detection and localization of mechanical defects and partial discharge in power transformers using electromagnetic waves
Online and on time detection of defects leads to technical and economic merits for networks. Recently, an online method has been introduced for radial deformation detection of transformers high-voltage (HV) winding using electromagnetic waves (EMWs), called ultra wideband (UWB) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging method. The basis of this method is comparison of sound and deformed images of transformer windings to detect radial deformation. Partial discharge (PD), as another defect in the transformers, emits ultra-high-frequency (UHF) signals that contain 0.3 to 3 GHz frequencies. PD detection and localization by using UHF antennas has been tested on transformers. Combination of these EMW-based methods can lead to simultaneous detection and localization of both defects. However, the interaction of these methods should be studied more.

Digital Smart Systems (High Performance Computing)
Seyed Ahmad Motamedi
Digital smart systems which was formerly active as high performance computing (HPC), began its activities in 1370 (1991).  During this time the laboratory’s research activities were mainly in the areas of basic and applied research in Digital signal processing, smart grid, as well as digital systems and smart systems with various applications and usage.
Considering the increasing use of wireless sensor networks and their importance, in the past couple of years this laboratory has paid special attention and focus on the theory and technological achievement of these networks.
Important research projects areas in the form of contracts with the industry, executive organs as well as doctoral and master's students' project are done as follows:
• Wireless sensor networks
• Parallel processing and cloud computing
• Image Processing
• High Speed ​​Processors
• Clusters and Parallel Processors
• Biological signal processing and medical engineering equipment and design
• Smart Grid

Multimedia Signals
Hamid Sheikhzadeh  

The Multimedia Signal Processing Group is headed by Prof. Hamid Sheikhzadeh Nadjar from Amirkabir university of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic).
The research activities of the multimedia signal processing group are generally in developing algorithms and techniques for representation, processing, understanding of multimedia data, such as UWB Signal, Sparse Signal, Audio and Speech Signal, Biomedical image and Motion tracking. This research group also focuses on Machine Learning, in both fields of development of algorithms and its application on aforementioned fields.
Ad Hoc Networks
Karim Faez  

In this laboratory, research projects in the fields of Sensor Networks, Mobile Networks, and Ad Hoc Networks are conducted. In this laboratory the graduate students in the MS and PhD levels are present and doing research.
Real Time Power System Simulation Research Lab
Gevork B. Gharehpetian

Real-time simulation occurs commonly in computer gaming, but also is important in the industrial market for operator training and off-line controller tuning. Computer languages like LabVIEW, VisSimand  Simulink allow quick creation of such real-time simulations and have connections to industrial displays and Programmable Logic Controllers via OLE for process control or digital and analog I/O cards. Several real-time simulator are available on the market like xPC Target and RT-LAB  for  mechatronic systems  and using  Simulink, eFPGAsim and  eDRIVEsim for power electronic simulation and eMEGAsim,  HYPERSIM and RTDS for power grid real-time (RTS) simulation.

Integrated Circuits Design Laboratory
Mohammad Yavari

Integrated Circuits Design Laboratory (IC-Design Lab) was established at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) in May 2007. The primary objective of the laboratory is to develop new techniques useful for analog, mixed-signal, and radio-frequency integrated circuits and systems using mainstream CMOS technologies. More than 40 M.Sc. and three Ph.D. students have been completed their research activities in this laboratory in the past years. The research outcome of this laboratory has been more than 60 ISI papers published in most prestigious international journals and more than 80 international and national conference papers. Some of the current on-going research activities are as follows:

Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and signal processing 
CMOS analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters 
Adaptive and background calibration techniques for analog and mixed-signal systems 
Low-voltage and low-power switched-capacitor circuit techniques 
CMOS RFIC design for wireless communications 
Integrated circuits for implantable biomedical applications 
CMOS readout circuits for capacitive sensors

Photonics Research Lab
Hassan Kaatuzian  
Photonics Research Laboratory (PRL) in E.E. Dept. of Amirkabir University, has been established in 1994 after about 4 years research and development supported by the University administrations Industrial Ministry and Atomic energy organization.
Photonics is the technology of generation, amplification ,detection ,guidance , Modulation or modification by nonlinear effects optical radiation and applying it from
Energy generation to communication and information processing.
During about a quarter of a century, We’ve successfully terminated more that 90 BSc. , 45 MSc. And 8 PhD. Projects and thesis. We’ve published more than 200 Journal and conference papers and ten technical books during this time.

High Voltage Lab
Behrooz Vahidi
The High Voltage Laboratory (HVL) is involved in research and development projects in various aspects of high voltage engineering including electrical insulation, lightning protection and transient in power systems, pulsed power technology, and biological effects of high voltage. The academic staffs of the laboratory are also active in different sectors of industry. The following is a brief description of active research projects at HVL:

Partial discharge detection by ultrasound
Lightning protection
Bacterial decontamination of liquid
Nondestructive test of electrical insulations
Biological effects of high electric fields
Electrification of oil insulation
Electrical insulation
Pulse power technology

 Microwave/Millimeter-Wave & Wireless Communication
 Abdolali Abdipour  Abbas Mohammadi  
This laboratory is active in modeling, analysis, design and fabrication of various microwave/millimeter-wave and wireless circuits and systems. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities including measurement units, personal computers, and advanced software packages. The following is a brief description of active research projects at MWCL:
Wireless broadband networks including GSM, 3G, LMDS and MMDS
Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) technology
Full-wave modeling and analysis of microwave circuits and devices
Microwave/millimeter-wave circuits and subsystems
Microwave/millimeter-wave & wireless communications
Space-time wireless communications
Wireless multimedia and mobile communications

 Electrical Drives & Power Electronics
 Jafar Milimonfared,  Mehrdad Abedi,  Gholam Hossein Riahy Dehkordi,  Javad Shokrollahi Moghani,  Seyed Hamid Fathi  
The EDPERL was established in 1995. The main goals of this research laboratory include design, optimization and construction of electrical drives, switching power supplies, and electrical machines.  With the help of a complete design and test equipment such as, digital power analyzers, spectrum analyzer, DSP control board, measuring instruments and power supplies, test bed, digital torque meters and other research tools, this Laboratory has become a modern research center for drive systems.
The following is a brief description of the active research projects at EDPERL
Design, analysis and implementing different control strategies as, vector control, direct torque control, and Sensorless control on electrical drives.
Speed and torque control of induction, switch reluctance, PM synchronous, and brushless DC motors using TMS320LF2812 DSP board.
Design, analysis and construction of switching power supplies, inverters and choppers for different applications.
Power quality improvement in power networks using power electronics techniques.
Design, analysis and optimization of electrical machines.
Fault detection and diagnostics in electrical machines.
Renewable energy studies including.
Modeling of wind turbine farms.
Control of wind turbine for optimum efficiency.
Modeling of photo voltaic solar arrays.
Optimization of energy consumption in hybrid renewable power systems.

Digital Communications
Hamidreza Amindavar
The Digital Communications Laboratory is involved in various fields of signal processing and detectors. The laboratory is also active in noise modeling and development of detectors. The following is a brief description of active research projects at DCL:
Estimation of blind time delay for single sensors in multi-path environment.
Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity.
Auxiliary particle altering for wireless multi-path fading channels in presence of additive ARCH.
Development of blurred image restoration method using hidden Markov modelling and minimum entropy approach.
Development of WCDMA detectors based on CA/OS CFAR.
Development of methods for detecting signals in k-distributed clutter.
Development of perturbation blind channel and signal estimation.
Design and development of encryption systems based on a public key.

Spread Spectrum Communications Research Lab
Hassan Aghaei Nia

Spread spectrum communications research (SSCR) lab is situated at 2nd floor of Aburaihan building, under supervision of Dr. Hassan Aghaeinia. Our research is in the general areas of communication systems and image processing, with particular emphasis on wireless communications.
Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility
 Parisa Dehkhoda  
The Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility Center (CEMC) at Amirkabir University of Technology was founded in 2010 with a grant from Iran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC). It is an impartial entity for carrying out a comprehensive range of conducted and radiated electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) tests to verify that electronic/electrical equipment operates compatibly in the vicinity of each other. The following list outlines a number of EMC tests that are currently performed at CEMC.
1.     IEC CISPR 22: Radiated emission (EMI) tests
2.     IEC CISPR 22: Conducted emission (EMI) test,
3.     IEC CISPR 22: Conducted emission (EMI) tests, power
4.     IEC 61000-4-2: Electrostatic discharge immunity (EMS) test
5.     IEC 61000-4-3: Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity (EMS) test
6.     IEC 61000-4-4: Electrical fast transient/ burst immunity (EMS) test
7.     IEC 61000-4-5: Surge immunity (EMS) test
8.     IEC 61000-4-6: Conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields immunity (EMS) test
9.     IEC 61000-4-8: Power frequency magnetic field immunity (EMS) test 
10. IEC 61000-4-11: Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity (EMS) test
11. IEC 61000-4-12: Ring wave immunity (EMS) test
12. IEC 61000-4-18: Damped oscillatory wave immunity (EMS)
While being involved in testing and certification services for information technology, radio communication and medical equipment and systems, automotive electronics and electric drives, the CEMC also offers the following services:
1.     Antenna design and modeling
2.     Enclosure design and modeling
3.     Grounding, filtering, and shielding
4.     Shielding effectiveness measurement and modeling
5.     Wave scattering modeling and measurement
6.     Power system harmonics measurement and modeling, and mitigation systems
7.     Measurement and modeling of interfering electromagnetic fields and reduction techniques
8.     Measurement of the electromagnetic properties of materials
9.     Non-destructive evaluation of materials

Semiconductors Research Laboratory
Hassan Ghafori Fard
Semiconductor research laboratory headed by Dr. Hassan Ghafoorifard, has been involved in research in numerous theoretical and experimental areas of semiconductor technology, which is the key enabling technology for today's high performance electronic and photonic structures. The experimental and computational resources available to the group include several parts used for sensing experiments, device characterization and simulation purposes, as well as the semiconductor fabrication facilities.

Computational Intelligence & Large Scale Systems Research Lab
Ahmad Afshar,  Mohammd Bagher Menhaj  

Stability of Dynamical Systems

Seyed Kamaloddin Nikravesh  

Information Processing Lab

Abolghasem Sayadian  

Speech Processing Research Lab (SPRL)
Sanaz Seyedin  
Link to the website:
SPRL: Speech Processing Research laboratory 
(Electrical Engineering Department)
The Speech Processing Research Lab. (SPRL) at the Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) is actively involved in research in the fields of speech and audio processing. This includes audio signal analysis, speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker recognition, speaker adaptation, speech enhancement, spoken dialog systems and other related areas.
Mission and Charter of the Lab:
To train and educate, at both undergraduate and graduate levels, engineers of outstanding capabilities who can become leaders in the industry, academia and profession.
To carry out advanced research and development in information and software technologies and their social, scientific, industrial and financial applications.

Iran Grid Secure Operation Research Center (IGSORC)
Gevork B. Gharehpetian

Iran Grid Secure Operation Research Centre (IGSORC) as an affiliated institute to Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) was founded in 2005, after an MOU was signed by the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education and the Ministry of Energy. 
Research Goals:
The electric power industry is evolving from its historical business structure. As the installed capacity of power plants would be twice in next decade in one hand and the connection of the Iran grid to neighbor countries on the other hand, Iran would be the electric junction in future. Considering the financial constraints, existing resources need to utilize best operation mode and highest reliability. 

Appropriate, stable and dynamic collaboration of university and industry is an inevitable issue considering the needs of industry to innovative research and plans and implementation of new technologies to achieve secure operation in one hand and potential human resources in universities, and facilitate interchange of ideas between them and solution for industry challenges among academic and industry on critical industry issues.

Institute of Communications Technology & Applied Electromagnetics
Abdolali Abdipour,  Abbas Mohammadi,  Hessam Sadeghi
Institute of Telecommunication Technology and Applied Electromagnetics was founded in 2005. This institute consists two main centers namely electromagnetic compatibility center and microwave/millimeter-wave and wireless communications center. These centers provide software and hardware solutions to both academia and industry in the related fields. This institute is equipped with modern measurement facilities where different measurements and type approvals are regularly performed.
 Control of Multi Vehicle Systems Lab (CMVL)
 Farzaneh Abdollahi  

Industrial Control
Amir Abolfazl Suratgar  

Power Quality
Hossein Hosseinian
This laboratory is a gathering of some of the highly motivated scholars and students privileged to work in one of the laboratories of the Power System Center of Excellence in the country with major focus on different topics such as power system operation and planning management, power quality, power system economics and micro-grids concept.
  • Power system operation and planning management:
With the growing need of power system optimal utilization, there is a strong desire to dispatch different units through a network in an optimal way in order to minimize the overall costs of the system considering technical issues. Achieving this target, various optimal dispatch method employing optimizationalgorithm should be utilized.
  • Power Quality:
Throughout recent decades, the characteristics of electric power system elements have experienced a gradual alteration from being significantly linear to partially or dominantly nonlinear. Today, the most prominent sources of nonlinearity originate from a wide spectrum of devices including fluorescent lighting, high voltage DC converters, flexible AC transmission (FACTS) devices, arc furnaces, uninterruptable power supplies and variable speed motor drives. Serving these devices reveals distorted current waveforms that disturb the power system which brings out malfunction and interruption of service, especially for sensitive loads such as computer systems. 
  • Power System Economics:
Along with the power system restructuring era, electric power engineering students and researchers are inevitably faced with the function of the electricity market. Electricity is now a form of energy that is traded via power system in which utilities are deemed as independent participants of this market. Our aim and motivation is to make contribution with power market day ahead scheduling and integrate these independent utilities to provide solutions for the market which leads to maximize social welfare and benefits of the total system.
  • Microgrid Concept:
Microgrid, as the pioneer developing concept in power systems, is an eminently appropriate alternate for the conventional power systems. All of the aforementioned topics can be included in this concept. In our lab we have a thorough research on different aspects of the microgrids including optimal operation, robust control approaches, stability analyses and protection issues.

Pervasive computing
Saeed sharifian

In this laboratory we conduct researches on problems in the state-of-the-art technologies all over the world. Specially in Artificial Intelligence, information and communication technologies. The research topics of interest are as follows:
Internet of Things ( IoT)
Deep Learning
Mobile & Cloud Computing
Deep reinforcement learning
Graph mining
Big Data Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Block chain
Large-Scale Machine Learning
Swarm Intelligence
Embedded Systems & High-Level Synthesis (HLS)

Information and Telecommunication Theory
Mohammad javad Emadi

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